Saturday, February 6, 2010

Looking Up

After a vacation to Florida at the end of last month my Fiance and I decided that we are moving down there. No more cold winter months for us. I was reading through some other peoples blogs about winter reading and figured I would finally post about the good things going on in my life. Bryan enrolled in a school in Florida he is going to be a airplane matience, it's a 21 month program and it starts on March 4th. I don't know for sure when we are leaving Minnesota but it shouldn't be anymore then 3 weeks from now. I am going to be able to sit in the sunshine with a good book anyday now. We don't have jobs yet and will need to start looking for them right away but right now I'm just excited for the things to come. I will however miss my family and friends greatly but I need to focus on the positives and let those things fade into the background a little bit.